Thursday, May 29, 2014

Dream Homes, New Homes, and New Dreams

The crush of the week: tiny homes.

Typical Buzzfeed procrastination led to, and the wave of imaginings for what my future could be tumbled forward again. Continued clicking (I was compelled, I swear) found me on Tumbleweed's website, a company providing plans, workshops, and aiding the dreams of those thinking to downsize to, if not tiny, at least rather small homes. One of my favorites was certainly small, the little over 500 square feet Whidbey floor plan:

A dream without the details is only half complete, so I zipped over to Zillow (the procrastination is strong with this one). A suitable sunny and green half acre lot on Bainbridge Island later and I was already floating on the possibility of biking the few miles to the ferry and arriving in downtown Seattle whenever I wanted, but returning home to my little patch of heaven beyond the city chaos.

The point of this tale is, that’s me. I latch onto possibilities and let my brain take them where it may. At times reality rudely crashes in. For example, the none too gentle reminder that I’m a college student who should start paying off loans once that elusive income shows itself, not mortgaging dream homes.

Sometimes the crash helps. It can force you into an unexpectedly magical evening at a band concert where you watch your brother win a surprise scholarship, and you’re reminded that things get along pretty well in the real world too. Really, it’s all for the best. I’m too pragmatic to dwell solely inside my head. I need mud under my fingernails, long talks with good friends, and a finished product.

I guess I’m hoping that this blog can be the new home for my dreams that are far in the future, as well as those that I’m already beginning to assemble. As I embark on adventures both physical and mental, my goal remains to just keep moving forward, even if the direction may change, and to stay grateful for the beauty that already surrounds me every day, although my mind may run wild.

That lot and tiny home may long be gone by the time I get around to them, but another future will have moved in.

Still, have some Puget Sound.